[OpenSER-Devel] dispatcher error on cancel

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Fri Jun 6 13:35:27 CEST 2008

Alex Hermann wrote:
> On Thursday 05 June 2008, Dan Pascu wrote:
>> If you do not need to do fancy stuff with starting/stopping mediaproxy
>> for a new branch after a failure, you can use engage_media_proxy() which
>> works behind the scenes and does all the stuff without you worrying when
>> and what to call.
> Has it support to enable the mediaproxy only for branches that need it, ie 
> that have the nat_bflag set?

No. Because it's based on the dialog module, you need to trigger it 
early, before t_relay is called, so it catches the dialog creation 
moment. So this is only usable if you use mediaproxy all the time, or if 
you already know early that you want to use it because the caller is 
behind NAT.

> How does it handle a transaction which passes the proxy twice and one or both 
> UA's need NAT handling?
> UAC->registrar->proxy>registrar->UAS (mediarelay is handled at registrar)

It handles them just fine. But you need to call it only once (i.e. only 
trigger it for one of the dialogs that goes through the registrar).


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