[OpenSER-Devel] debian build service for trunk

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Wed Jul 23 13:59:23 CEST 2008

Hi all,

i've just setup a new Debian repository on the devel.openser.org machine. It 
replaces the old offering of daily debian packages from the trunk for several 
debian releases [1]. This new repository provides a more convinient method for 
keeping track of the bleeding edge of the OpenSER development with standard 
Debian system administration tools like apt-get.

I extend the supported distributions too, now also packages for debian testing 
(i386 and amd64) are build. With the help of this service its really easy for 
you to test new features in the trunk and provide feedback *hint, hint*. ;-)

Just add some lines [2] (depending on your system version) to your
"/etc/apt/sources.list" file, do an "apt-get update" and you can 
install (or update to) the fresh code direct from the trunk. :-) I also 
provided a repository key, to stop the security complains from apt.. [3]

Please keep in mind that this packages are only provided for testing, and 
_not_ for use in production environments! The update cycle is daily, just as 
for the old service. Let me know if you encounter any issues.

Have fun,


[1] http://devel.openser.org/packages/

Debian stable:
deb     http://devel.openser.org/debian etch main
deb-src http://devel.openser.org/debian etch main

Debian testing, also usable for (K)ubuntu
deb     http://devel.openser.org/debian lenny main
deb-src http://devel.openser.org/debian lenny main

Debian unstable
deb     http://devel.openser.org/debian sid main
deb-src http://devel.openser.org/debian sid main

apt gpg key - add the key to your apt key ring like this: 
"wget -O - http://devel.openser.org/gpg_key.asc | apt-key add - "

Henning Westerholt - Development Consumer Products / DSL Core
1&1 Internet AG, Ernst-Frey-Str. 9, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany

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