[OpenSER-Devel] postgresql and escaping

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Feb 4 11:02:05 UTC 2008

Henning Westerholt schrieb:
> On Thursday 24 January 2008, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>> 1.
>>      case DB_BLOB:
>>          l = VAL_BLOB(_v).len;
>>          if (*_len < (l * 2 + 3)) {
>>              LM_ERR("destination buffer too short for blob\n");
>>              return -7;
>>          } else {
>>              *_s++ = '\'';
>>              tmp_s = (char*)PQescapeByteaConn(CON_CONNECTION(_con),
>> (unsigned char*)VAL_STRING(_v),
>>                      (size_t)l, (size_t*)&tmp_len);
>>              if(tmp_s==NULL)
>>              {
>>                  LM_ERR("PQescapeBytea failed\n");
>>                  return -7;
>>              }
>>              memcpy(_s, tmp_s, tmp_len);
>>              PQfreemem(tmp_s);
>>              tmp_len = strlen(_s);
>>              *(_s + tmp_len) = '\'';
>>              *(_s + tmp_len + 1) = '\0';
>>              *_len = tmp_len + 2;
>>              return 0;
>>          }
>>          break;
>> This means we reserve l*2+3 bytes for the escaped string, but as
>> escaping of special characters is done by 3digts octal representation,
>> e.g. CR will be converted to \015, this buffer can be too small.
>> I suggest to make the length check after PQescapeByteaConn and check if
>> tmp_len < _len.
> Hi Klaus,
> sounds resonable, potential buffer overflows should be fixed. ;-). 
> Do you have already created a fix that can be commited?


>> 2. With postgresql 8.1 the handling of string escaping was changed
>> (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/release-8-1.html). They
>> introduced the E'' syntax and current escaping with \ will be obsolete.
>> Thus, maybe we have to update the code to check server version we are
>> connected too and thus use the proper escaping.
> When will the 'old' method of escaping finally be removed? According to the 
> documentation you've given above, there exists a variable that can be checked 
> to get the supported escape method. Thus it should be no so hard to add some 
> code in the escaping path to support this change.

Check out this thread - I think it should be that hard too.


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