[OpenSER-Devel] renaming of database modules

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Fri Feb 1 12:40:05 UTC 2008


we discussed during the merging process of the db_berkeley module the addition 
of a 'db' prefix for all database modules to better seperate them from the 
other modules. I've already added this prefix to the functions (and some 
variable) definitions of this modules/ the core DB API.

As part of the other work i do with the database modules i'd like to do this 
change. In detail:

- add the 'db_' prefix to all database modules dirs, e.g. mysql -> db_mysql
- change the db_bind_mod function in db/db.c to append the prefix, so that the 
  driver connection strings don't need to changed (e.g. db_url stays mysql://)
- change the documentation in the INSTALL and module README files
- adjust the default server config
- adapt the Makefile(s) and debian build process to this change
- add a note to the 1.4.x changes document, send a short announcement to the   
  user list

Does this sounds resonable to you?



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