[Kamailio-Devel] [Kamailio-Users] openser/kamailio meeting in Bucharest, August 11, 2008

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 11:04:41 CEST 2008


great, I forgot to mention Dan Bogos, one of the firsts that enrolled 
for the dinner.

Looking forward to meeting all of you!


On 08/06/08 11:25, Cesar Troncoso wrote:
> Hello!
> I am also up for a meeting in Bucharest on Monday next week. It will be
> a good chance to get different points of view about the
> kamailio/opensips discussion and the way developers and board members
> think to move forward in the future.
> Regards, Cesar
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 18:57:50 +0300
> From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Kamailio-Users] openser/kamailio meeting in Bucharest,
> 	August 11,	2008
> To: users <users at lists.kamailio.org>, devel
> 	<devel at lists.kamailio.org>, 	business at lists.kamailio.org
> Message-ID: <4898787E.7020602 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hello Everybody,
> as many expressed their intention for an openser/kamailio event in 
> Bucharest, next week, I am going to organize a dinner in a place with 
> nice Romanian beer, wine and food. Seeing the suggestions for the date, 
> I am proposing August 11, 2008 (Monday) -- let me know if you have 
> opinions. Exact hour and place will be sent as soon as I get an idea 
> about number of participants.
> So far, expressed the intention to participate:
> - Henning Westerholt, developer and board member
> - Elena-Ramona Modroiu, developer and board member
> - Daniel-Constantin Mierla, developer and board member
> - Michiel ten Hagen
> - Sebastian Schuman
> Please write me if you want to attend, I need to know the number of 
> attendants to make the reservation. The event is in the same fashion as 
> the ones happening in Barcelona, Vienna, Berlin, ..., in the past -- 
> everybody pays for its expenses.
> If you want to have some preamble (might not be same place, but...), you
> can check some photos from last similar event in Bucharest after the 
> ROSDEV2008 conference:
> http://www.asipto.com/photos/ROSDEV2008-1-ALBUM/index1.html
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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