[Kamailio-Devel] openser/kamailio meeting in Bucharest, August 11, 2008

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 17:57:50 CEST 2008

Hello Everybody,

as many expressed their intention for an openser/kamailio event in 
Bucharest, next week, I am going to organize a dinner in a place with 
nice Romanian beer, wine and food. Seeing the suggestions for the date, 
I am proposing August 11, 2008 (Monday) -- let me know if you have 
opinions. Exact hour and place will be sent as soon as I get an idea 
about number of participants.

So far, expressed the intention to participate:
- Henning Westerholt, developer and board member
- Elena-Ramona Modroiu, developer and board member
- Daniel-Constantin Mierla, developer and board member
- Michiel ten Hagen
- Sebastian Schuman

Please write me if you want to attend, I need to know the number of 
attendants to make the reservation. The event is in the same fashion as 
the ones happening in Barcelona, Vienna, Berlin, ..., in the past -- 
everybody pays for its expenses.

If you want to have some preamble (might not be same place, but...), you 
can check some photos from last similar event in Bucharest after the 
ROSDEV2008 conference:


Daniel-Constantin Mierla

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