[OpenSER-Devel] error messages in log

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Fri Oct 26 12:18:14 UTC 2007

Dan Pascu writes:

 > I have these messages in log:
 > core:do_assign: no value in right expression
 > core:do_assign: error at line: 246
 > They appear everytime I have something like this in my script:
 > $avp(s:some_var) = $hdr(some_header);
 > and the header is missing.
 >  > IMO, those messages should be moved to debug level, because it makes no 
 > sense to have to write every such statement as:
 > if ($hdr(some_header)) {
 >    $avp(s:some_var) = $hdr(some_header);
 > }


this is an old thread.  i tried to suggest that openser should behave
like php where you can assign value of a non-set variable, but didn't
get support.  if i remember correctly, the reason was that avps or pvs
cannot have a null value.

-- juha

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