[Devel] Notify CSeq number not increased?

sukerry sukerry at 126.com
Tue Mar 27 10:44:59 CEST 2007

Anca-Maria Vamanu,

Thanks a lot, I have tested it again. local cseq is ok now, but remote cseq in active_watchers table is not increased all the time. I modified subscribe.c to remove this bug. 

Howerver, I still find some issues in openser presence code:

1).  In p_tm_callback fuction in notify.c, we should not remove subscription when get 408 (transaction time out) response,which is auto generated by openser uac module when it can not get NOTIFY response from softphone in a certain time. For that due to occasional instant network error or cpu high load, the presence client ( softphone) may not handle NOTIFY  in time, in this case, openser should maintain the subscription to improve interoperatability. Maybe a more suitable way is to add a column named "error times" to active_watchers table to record softphone response time out error, only when time-out times reach a certain number does openser remove the subscription.
I also slightly modified notify.c to remove this "bug"

2).  in publish.c, I have modified the line below to improve interoperatability:
if(strncmp(hdr->name.s, "SIP-If-Match",12)==0 || strncmp(hdr->name.s,"Sip-If-Match",12)==0)//modified by sukerry
 that is because sometimes client message  bears "Sip-If-Match" header but not "SIP-If-Match" header.

After I modified the codes mentioned above, I took a strict test and found that  my clients work well with openser presence module!!
I have posted notify.c, subscribe.c , publish.c as ATTACHED. All the changed codes are tagged with "sukerry" words.

By the way, HOW can I apply to submit code to SVN? I am very interested in developing openser with tech fans from all parts of the world!!


Best Regards

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