[Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [1746] trunk
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
daniel at voice-system.ro
Tue Mar 6 19:35:43 CET 2007
I did an update to make system. Could you take latest svn and check if
works now. Since I couldn't reproduce it locally, do not know if
actually fixes the issue.
On 03/06/07 18:30, Andrew Newton wrote:
> On Mar 6, 2007, at 11:24 AM, vallimamod abdullah wrote:
>> I tested with the last change you have just made and it seems to
>> me that there is an infinite loop while invoking flex; I have nothing
>> after the following input:
>> vma at proxy-sip:~/devel/openser$ make
>> bison -d -b cfg cfg.y
>> cfg.y: conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
>> flex cfg.lex
> FYI... I see the same problem on a CentOS 4.4 box.
> -andy
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