[Devel] Changing a newly added header in the branch_route

Ardjan Zwartjes a.zwartjes at telecats.nl
Thu Jun 14 11:17:09 CEST 2007

I'm currently working on a OpenSER module for which I need the following

1. In the "route" block in the configuration an initialize function is
called which adds a header using something similar to append_hf from the
textops module, for example say it adds the header "X-Test: test".
2. The scripts performs some functions and branches the call.
3. In the branch_route I want to change the "X-Test" header to another
value based om some data gathered by my module.

I hoped this would be a simple task, but so far I haven't been able to
implement this. This is the problem:

- append_hf uses insert_new_lump_before() to add the new header to the
msg->add_rm or msg->body_lumps lump lists, so a subsequent textops calls
like remove_hf call won't find the header.
- I have circumvented this problem by creating a function that also
looks through the msg->add_rm and msg->body_lumps lists and if necessary
changes the lump->u.value to a new string so a different header will be
added. This works as long as I do this in the route block.
- If I call this function in the branch_route however the lump that adds
the header cannot be found but the header also isn't accessible through
the msg->headers list (even when it's fully parsed). 

So my question is: Does anybody knows what I need to do to change a
header that was added in the route block to a new value in the
branch_route? Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Ardjan Zwartjes.

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