[Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [2351] trunk/modules/presence/notify.c
Juha Heinanen
jh at tutpro.com
Mon Jun 11 15:25:27 CEST 2007
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
> Log Message:
> -----------
> - quick fix for presence crash due to free notify bodies in different
> - types of event (mwi -- reported by Juha Heinanen) -- needs more
> - analysis
thanks for the fix. in the meanwhile, i was reading the sources and as
far as i can tell, memory for notify_body is allocated using pkg_malloc
both in case when aggregation is not needed and is needed.
- in notify.c/get_p_notify_body():
DBG("PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: Event does not
require aggregation\n");
notify_body= (str*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(str));
return notify_body;
- presence_xml/notify_body.c/agregate_xmls():
body = (str*)pkg_malloc(sizeof(str));
return body;
but let anca verify this.
-- juha
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