[OpenSER-Devel] LCR comments

Peter Spikings peter.spikings at power.net.uk
Tue Jul 3 17:58:01 CEST 2007


I've got a couple of comments about the LCR module....

Firstly why are the LCR entries sorted by prefix length and then by priority? 
I'd have done it the other way round (and have changed it for my 
installation). I can see that longer prefixes should take priority over 
shorter ones but in my setup I want the following behaviour:

1) Try gateway A for all calls
2) Try gateway B using an arbitrary routing prefix for a bunch of called 
number prefixes
3) Try gateway B using a different routing prefix for called numbers starting 

With the standard code it always does step 1 last as the prefix length is 
zero. To make this work I'd have to have entries with low priority numbers 
that route to gateway A for each prefix I'm looking for at step 2 otherwise 
calls for those prefixes go straight to gateway B.

If the entries are sorted by priority then prefix length this problem goes 

Another issue I had (and see my setup again) was that duplicates in the list 
of entries are detected by comparing the IP addresses of the gateways. Surely 
it's far better (and again I changed the source to do this) to detect 
duplicates based on the group ID of the entry?

I'll post the patches / raise a bug (or whatever) if people want.


Peter Spikings.
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