[Devel] Re: [Users] NEW FEATURE: branch and script flags

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Tue Jan 9 15:28:42 CET 2007

Hi there,

as concept, the branch flags are the same as former pseudo-branch flags. 
What was needed, was a separation of the transaction flags from the 
branch flags (formally, the branch flags were a part of the transaction 
flags). Why was this needed?
    1 - more consistency - as separate sets of flags, the risk to make 
confusion and mistakes is reduced.
    2 - extend the flag space - formally all available flags were 32, 
which were split in 2 types - per transaction and per branch
    3 - coherence - with the new approach, the RURI has his own set of 
branch flags, so all branches (including RURI) are equivalent; 
previously, the RURI branch flags were transaction flags
    4 (and more important) - the new design make possible to save the 
branch flags into usrloc (during registration); it was critical to make 
a correlation between the branch flags and contact flags (some internal 
stuff :-/).

hope I manage to bring some light :)


Weiter Leiter wrote:

> Answering the call for feedback,
> Script local flags are clear to me.
> But I fail to see the clear benefits of transaction+branch(new) over 
> the transaction+"pseudo-branch"(old) flags. Please correct me if 
> wrong, but pseudo-branch flags:
> - inherit the (transaction) flags from route 0;
> - are local to each branch: so if setflag(11) in branch_route of 
> branch A, isflagset(11) will return false in branch_route of branch B 
> (which is concurrent with A, but effectively runs "after" it - 
> parallel fork);
> - are visible in replies routes: so if setflag(10) in onreply_route of 
> branch A, isflagset(10) will return false in onreply_route of branch B 
> (also in case that this reply of B comes after reply of A).
> So, accounting, what I see as brand new - in pseudo-branch(old) vs. 
> branch(new) - is having flags - of type new transaction/message - 
> which are globally visible, in all request & replies (& failure?) 
> routes. Any glaring error?
> Disclaimer: I only have a shallow understanding of flags, don't shoot 
> the bullets to hard. :-)
> WL.
> On 1/9/07, *Bogdan-Andrei Iancu* <bogdan at voice-system.ro 
> <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>> wrote:
>     Hi everybody,
>     Following some discussions with Juha regarding some extension for the
>     branch flags, we decided it is better to have a re-design of flags in
>     openser to allow a better flexibility and extensibility without any
>     consistency penalties.
>     What we had so far:
>         - message flags (or transaction flags) which are transaction
>     persistent
>         - pseudo-branch flags - a set of flags from the message flags were
>     handled by TM as branch flags
>                (saved per branch and not only per transaction).
>     What we have now:
>         - message flags (or transaction flags) will works as they do now,
>     but the branch mask will be removed (rolling back as in 0.9.x
>     versions).
>     These flags are transaction persistent.
>         - branch flags (NEW) are saved also in transaction, but per
>     branch;
>     also they will be saved in usrloc (per contact). A new set of
>     functions
>     were added for manipulating these flags from script. So, there flags
>     will be registration persistent and branch persistent.
>         - script flags (NEW) are no-message-related flags - they are only
>     script persistent and you can strictly use them for scripting.
>     Once you
>     exit a top level route, they will be lost. These flags are useful and
>     they offer an option to de-congest the message flags - many flags have
>     no need to be saved as they just reflect some scripting status.
>     What changes brings this:
>         - NAT flag will become a branch flag all the time.
>         - you can have custom flags to be saved into usrloc (via
>     branch flags).
>         - more flags in script (via script flags).
>     Corresponding Functions:
>         Message/transaction flags:
>            setflag(flag_idx)
>            resetflag(flag_idx)
>            isflagset(flag_idx)
>         Branch flags:
>            setbflag/setbranchflag(branch_idx,flag_idx)
>            resetbflag/resetbranchflag(branch_idx,flag_idx)
>            isbflagset/isbranchflagset(branch_idx,flag_idx)
>           or, the shorter format, working on the default (branch 0) flags:
>            setbflag(flag_idx)
>            resetbflag(flag_idx)
>            isbflagset(flag_idx)
>         Script flags:
>            setsflag/setscriptflag(flag_idx)
>            resetsflag/resetscriptflag(flag_idx)
>            issflagset/isscriptflagset(flag_idx)
>     Flags and Pseudo Variables
>          Message/transaction flags
>            $mf (decimal) , $mF (hexa)
>          Branch flags
>            $bf (decimal) , $bF (hexa)
>          Script flags
>            $sf (decimal) , $sF (hexa)
>     Flags and routes:
>          Message/transaction flags
>          These flags will show up in all routes where messages related to
>     the initial request are processed. So, they will be visible and
>     changeable in onbranch, failure and onreply routes; the flags will be
>     visible in all branch routes; if you change a flag in a branch route,
>     the next branch routes will inherit the change.
>          Branch flags
>          There flags will show up in all routes where messages related to
>     initial branch request are processed. So, in branch route you will see
>     different sets of flags (as they are different branches); in onreply
>     route yo will see the branch flags corresponding to the branch the
>     reply
>     belongs to; in failure route, the branch flags corresponding to the
>     branch the winning reply belongs to will be visible.
>          In request route, you can have multiple branches (as a result
>     of a
>     lookup(), enum query, append_branch(), etc) - the default branch is 0
>     (corresponding to the RURI); In reply routes there will be only one
>     branch , the 0 one. In branch route the default branch is the current
>     process branch (having index 0); In failure route, initialy there is
>     only one branch (index 0), corresponding the the failed branch.
>         Script flags
>         There flags are available only in script and are reset after each
>     top level route execution (routes internally triggered by
>     OpenSER). They
>     will be persistent per main route, onreply_route, branch_route,
>     failure_route. Note they will be inherit in routes called from
>     other routes.
>     Example: nat flag handling
>     ..........
>     # 3 - the nat flag
>     modparam("usrloc","nat_bflag",3)
>     ..........
>     route {
>         ..........
>         if (nat detected)
>            setbflag(3); # set branch flag 3 for the branch 0
>         ..........
>         if (is_method("REGISTER")) {
>            # the branch flags (including 3) will be saved into location
>            save("location");
>            exit;
>         } else {
>            # lookup will load the branch flag from location
>            if (!lookup("location")) {
>               sl_send_reply("404","Not Found");
>               exit;
>            }
>            t_on_branch("1")
>            t_relay();
>         }
>     }
>     onbranch_route[1] {
>         xlog("-------branch=$T_branch_idx, branch flags=$bF\n");
>         if (isbflagset(3)) {
>            #current branch is marked as natted
>            .........
>         }
>     }
>     if no parallel forking is done, you can get rid of the branch
>     route and
>     add instead of t_on_branch():
>         ........
>         if (isbflagset(3)) {
>            #current branch is marked as natted
>            .........
>         }
>         .........
>     I will upload this description on the wiki page to be more
>     accessible -
>     in the mean while, any feedback (reports, better ideas, bugd) are
>     welcome!
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan
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