[Devel] Patch: several small cleanups and fixes

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Tue Feb 20 11:14:57 CET 2007


I attached several small patches:

1) core-dump-fix-debian-files.patch
This removes the now unnecessary warning about the uid/ guid change if core  
dumping is enabled. It also removes this change in the init scripts in the 
debian and debian-sarge directories. 

2) mysql-delete-defs.h.patch
Deletes the unneeded "defs.h" file in the mysql directory.

3) openser.cfg-cleanup.patch
This cleanup the configuration file. 
It changes the loadmodule statements to use "mpath", this is much more 
It deletes the default parameter settings e.g. "check_via=no  # (cmd. 
line: -v)". In my opion (and experience) this statements are only distracting 
for new users and administrators, as there have no effect to the server 
behaviour. The appended cmd-line parameter provides also no real 
documentation, the user must still lookup these switches.
It change the C-style comment for debugging mode in the cfg to use bash 
comments, this fix the debian init script. Therefore the debian patch files 
to adjust the configuration are not more needed. In my opinion this is also a 
meaningful change.
It also adds a short link to the documentation on the openser website.

4) add-openser-run-dir.patch
This creates a ".dirs" file in the debian directories to add 
"/var/run/openser" to the packaging system. Otherwise this directory must be 
manualy created, and it will be sometimes after a reboot deleted (at least on 
ubuntu). This is much more user friendly and avoid confusion why the server 
would not start.

Hope this is useful, regards,

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Url : http://openser.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20070220/e2d8d425/openser.cfg-cleanup.bin

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