[OpenSER-Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [3457] branches/1.2
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
bogdan at voice-system.ro
Thu Dec 20 11:30:06 UTC 2007
Revision: 3457
Author: bogdan_iancu
Date: 2007-12-20 03:30:05 -0800 (Thu, 20 Dec 2007)
Log Message:
backport from trunk (rev #3306 & #3307):
- fixed the returning code of t_relay() script function. We need more values for error situation in order to describe the error (and take the appropriate actions from script).
- new error code E_NO_DESTINATION was added to report when there are no available branch to forward to.
- t_relay returns now:
-1 : generic internal error
-2 : bad message (parsing errors)
-3 : no destination available (no branches were added or request already cancelled)
-4 : bad destination (unresolvable address)
-5 : destination filtered (black listed)
-6 : generic send failed
Closes bug #1764906.
- documentation for the replay code of t_relay()
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