[OpenSER-Devel] [OpenSER-Users] Preparing the release of OpenSER 1.3 "BlackCat"

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed Dec 12 18:31:43 UTC 2007

Hi Sergio,

just try to compile:
    make proper exclude_module=""
    make all exclude_module="xxxxx"

with xxx exclude modules you cannot compile due external libs 
dependencies (if any).

Please report any compile error or warning. Also let me know what 
compiler you used (gcc or suncc).

Thanks and regards,

Sergio Gutierrez wrote:
> hi Bogdan.
> I would like to offer my help with the testing of the new Release on 
> Sun Solaris.
> Please let me know what should I do.
> Best regards.
> Sergio Gutiérrez
> On Dec 12, 2007 12:35 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu < bogdan at voice-system.ro 
> <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     As scheduled, tomorrow will be the official release of OpenSER
>     version 1.3.
>     NAME
>     =====
>     Following the proposal and the feedback from the lists, we will
>     start to
>     label each major version number with a name - it is more friendly
>     . Note
>     that the version numbering will still be the primary ID.
>     OpenSER 1.3 will be named "BlackCat".
>     CODE
>     =====
>     As far as I checked the lists and tracker, all the critical and
>     important bugs were fixed. No pending issues, as far as I know.
>     Tomorrow I will run some compiling tests on several arch and OS to see
>     if any warning is reported.
>     PS: does anybody offer some access on SUN+SOLARIS ?
>     As there are only a small number of pending changes on SVN
>     (warnings and
>     docs), probably in the afternoon, the 1.3 branch will be created.
>     DOCS
>     =====
>     The module documentation is up to date, thanks to the policy of
>     synchronization between the code and doc updates. Just in case,  I
>     will
>     re-generate all the text READMEs from the SGML files.
>     Thanks to Henning, the changelog and Credits files were updated on
>     SVN.
>     Thanks to Daniel, we have a start for the the "New Features" document
>     (see
>     http://www.openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/sandbox:new-in-1.3.x). The
>     idea will be to have it finalized y tomorrow and imported in the web
>     pages (openser.org <http://openser.org> and SF).
>     There will be a need for a overview of the "INSTALL" helper in
>     order to
>     be updated for 1.3 (maybe the DB part only).
>     I suggest to put together all the docs from openser and upload
>     them also
>     on SF - of course this is not a priority, it can be done later, in the
>     following days.
>     ========
>     Tarballs with sources and binaries (linux i386) will be uploaded on
>     openser.org <http://openser.org> and SF sites. Of course after the
>     creation of the new 1.3
>     branch on SVN. Any other contributions (binaries of other OSs or
>     archs)
>     are welcomed - just send an email to team at openser.org
>     <mailto:team at openser.org> .
>     ========
>     After the official release, specs will be updated (if not yet) and
>     packages will be generated. Please help with this process and let us
>     know if you can generate any packages. Again use the lists or
>     team at openser.org <mailto:team at openser.org> emails.
>     I will generate the debian packages (unstable, stable, testing). The
>     stable package will be also pushed on the openser.org
>     <http://openser.org> APT repo.
>     ===========
>     Both openser.org <http://openser.org> and SF sites need to be
>     updated for with news, docs,
>     downloads, etc. This probably will take couple of days.
>     Please let me know if there is something missing in the above list.
>     Otherwise, if people are able and willing with some of the tasks,
>     again,
>     just let me know.
>     Otherwise, have the champaign on cold for tomorrow ;)...
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan
>     _______________________________________________
>     Users mailing list
>     Users at lists.openser.org <mailto:Users at lists.openser.org>
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