[OpenSER-Devel] Request for comments: sdpparser: module or
integrated into the core
Bayan Towfiq
bayan at towfiq.com
Thu Aug 2 22:54:38 CEST 2007
Hi Ovidiu,
You're exactly right that the API would not mean that you can
manipulate SDP, but it would definitely pave the way for interesting
modules that would do that. Also, once we have parsed SDP presented
pseudo-variables, the scripts could make use of it for decision
making as well. Personally, I would make use of SDP parsing
functions, as well as SDP manipulation functions if and when a module
is developed for that (although I agree that an SDP manipulation
module is really another discussion).
Bayan Towfiq
On Aug 3, 2007, at 4:38 AM, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
> Hi Tavis,
> This new functionality will add the ability to parse the SDP, not to
> manipulate it. There will be no exported functions to be used from
> the config file, only an internal API for other modules.
> Changes to SDP made by other modules may or may not be visible (it all
> depends when the parsing is done and what is parsed).
> Regards,
> Ovidiu Sas
> On 8/2/07, Tavis P. <tavis.lists at galaxytelecom.net> wrote:
>> I would definitely make use of additional SDP manipulation functions
>> There have been several situations where i've needed to make
>> changes and
>> had to cobble somthing together with the current textops
>> functionality that
>> was suboptimal (due to it work only with the original message)
>> Ovidiu Sas wrote:
>> Hi Henning,
>> Integrating an SDP parser into the core or into a new module is
>> irrelevant for someone who wants to add more media stream related
>> functions in OpenSER.
>> I already have a module prototype which provides only helper
>> functionality for parsing the SDP (no memory allocation). It means
>> that each module that is dealing with SDP must use it's own parsing
>> function (based on the API exported by the module). This is not
>> optimal if more then one module will deal with SDP.
>> If there isn't enough interest from the community in such
>> functionality in openSER, we can always leave it as is. The only real
>> consumers of this new API would be the nathelper and the mediaproxy.
>> Don't know if the maintainers of this modules would like to switch to
>> a common API for parsing the SDP.
>> Regards,
>> Ovidiu Sas
>> On 8/2/07, Henning Westerholt <henning.westerholt at 1und1.de> wrote:
>> On Tuesday 31 July 2007, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Hi Ovidiu,
>> If this will be a collection of functions for parsing, I see no
>> reason
>> for not trying to include them in core. But for such a decision, more
>> info will be needed.
>> Hello,
>> integrating SDP parser functionality into the core would be the
>> start for
>> providing more and more SDP and media stream related functions in
>> OpenSER.
>> I think we should try to stay on focus.
>> - OpenSER is a multi-functional, multi-purpose SIP server: router,
>> switch,
>> registrar, application server, redirect server, gateway, etc..
>> - OpenSER is only about signaling, but there are media adds-on
>> (some quotes of a VON talk of Bogdan)
>> In my opinion we're quite good in this area. But we've already enough
>> problems
>> to support SIP and all the strange implementations out there. I
>> don't think
>> its a good move to add to much SDP to our problem set.
>> So i think a module implementation of a sdp parser would make more
>> sense.
>> Cheers,
>> Henning
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