[Devel] issues with int extra attributes in radius accounting

Ovidiu Sas sip.nslu at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 21:15:58 CEST 2007

Hi all,

I was trying to add an extra attribute to radius accounting packets,
specifically the "Acct-Session-Time" attribute.  The type for this
attribute is integer:

ATTRIBUTE       Acct-Session-Time       46      integer

By inspecting the radius accounting packets that are sent by openser
to the radius server, it looks like the value passed inside is a

for a call duration of 813s the attribute looks like:
2e 06 00 33 31 38

2e -> 46:Acct-Session-Time
06 -> length
33 -> ascii: 3
31 -> ascii: 1
38 -> ascii: 8

Is it possible to insert integer attributes as an avp from the acc module?
Is this a bug (the module should be able to insert integer attributes)?
Or the design is to pass _only_ string attributes?

Snippets from the config file:

modparam("acc", "radius_config",
modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 1)
modparam("acc", "radius_extra", "Acct-Session-Time=$avp(i:921)")

#the accounting section:

        if (is_method("BYE")) {
                xlog("L_INFO", "dialog_status:$DLG_status
                $avp(i:921) = $DLG_lifetime{s.int};
        } else {
                $avp(i:921) = 0;

Ovidiu Sas

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