[Devel] CVS commitlog: sip-server/modules/acc acc.c acc.h acc_mod.c

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Fri May 19 10:44:13 CEST 2006

User: bogdan_iancu
Date: 2006/05/19 01:44:13 PDT

  OpenSER CVS - Commit Details

  Modified files:
    modules/acc          acc.c acc.h acc_mod.c 
  Commit Log:
  bugs fixed:
  - the "missed call" report will display as outgoing uri exactly the RURI used
    for that branch
  - the accounting report will display as outgoing uri the RURI of the winning
  - proper internally handling (set/reset) of the "missed call" flag
  behaviour fix:
  - the "missed call" flag has effect only on the next serial fork - once
    triggered to report a missed call (a serial fork step ended), the flag is
    automatically reset by module. To catch the potential "missed call" reports
    due next serial forks, you need to re-arm the flag from failure route.
    This behaviour gives full control over what branches should be or not
    accounted as "missed calls".
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.12      +32 -46    sip-server/modules/acc/acc.c
   [ http://openser.cvs.sourceforge.net/openser/sip-server/modules/acc/acc.c?r1=1.11&r2=1.12 ]
  1.4       +25 -21    sip-server/modules/acc/acc.h
   [ http://openser.cvs.sourceforge.net/openser/sip-server/modules/acc/acc.h?r1=1.3&r2=1.4 ]
  1.16      +78 -63    sip-server/modules/acc/acc_mod.c
   [ http://openser.cvs.sourceforge.net/openser/sip-server/modules/acc/acc_mod.c?r1=1.15&r2=1.16 ]

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