[Devel] openser radius tutorial

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Mon May 8 23:47:50 CEST 2006


as many of you discovered already, a tutorial about OpenSER and 
FreeRADIUS integration is now available at:


It is a step by step tutorial, with many configuration examples, which 
tries to reveal all the operations that can be done with RADIUS modules. 
Along with basic operations, the openser configuration example presents 
a time-based call blocking, as a proof of using together AVPs and 
RADIUS, confirming once more that OpenSER went beyond router concept, 
its powerful scripting model turning it very easy in an application 
server without any new development.

Hopefully, the tutorial will reduce the number of questions related to 
radius support in openser. Feedback and improvements are welcome.


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