[Devel] NEW Feature: uac_auth() via AVPs
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Mar 2 19:22:06 CET 2006
$si and $sp were mistakenly changed in $Si and $Sp by my previous
commit, I reverted now on cvs (you have to wait again for cvs sync or
use upercase S for a while). The $ua should work fine, null means that
the SIP message has no User-Agent header.
On 03/02/06 20:24, Thomas Gelf wrote:
> Hi Bodgan,
> CVS has finally been updated :-)
> I have built a nice new Debian package containing bleeding edge
> OpenSER and immediately replaced my productional SIP Proxy with
> the new package ;-)
> My System has been down for about 15 minutes because of recent
> AVP config changes (*grrr* :) but now it's running fine.
> One little problem: The following line worked well with 1.0.0 -
> but using the current CVS version some of the pseudo variables
> are failing:
> xlog("L_INFO", "REGISTER (route 2) from [$fu] to [$tu] r-uri
> [$ru] src-ip [$si]");
> * $si returns nothing ("") in my syslog
> * $ua returns null ("<null>")
> Is this my fault or may there be some little bug?
> I didn't use openser_mysql.sh to upgrade my DB structure as I
> have had really bad experiences doing so, I did DB upgrade manually
> as follows:
> ALTER TABLE aliases ADD path VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL AFTER received;
> ALTER TABLE location ADD path VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL AFTER received;
> ALTER TABLE aliases ADD methods int(11) default NULL AFTER socket;
> ALTER TABLE location ADD methods int(11) default NULL AFTER socket;
> CREATE TABLE re_grp (
> reg_exp varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
> group_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> UNIQUE KEY reg_exp (reg_exp)
> DELETE FROM version;
> INSERT INTO version ...
> Everything seems to be working fine - just XLOG fails :(
> I did a quick test of the new AVP-enabled uac_auth() and it succeded
> without any problem. I have to apply some changes to my Web app and
> go on with farther testing the next week. If everything behaves well
> I'll put the whole system into productional state and will provide
> you with lots of feedback ;-)
> Kind regards,
> Thomas Gelf
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