[Devel] Re: [Users] how to route a call between servers
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Mar 2 12:20:30 CET 2006
On 03/02/06 10:23, vikram sarathy wrote:
> hi,
> i have 3 servers in my setup, in which each server has a user
> registered. i need to route a call from one server to other. in first
> case i kept all servers in same domine and later i need to check with
> all servers in different domains.
> can any one tell me is there any way to achive this.
one possible way, very simple, is to store for each user the address of
the server which keeps the location information. You can load the
address via avpops module and then set the dst_uri to it and forward.
Other way is to split the users based on some rules (e.g, prefix) to
learn easily to which server the user belongs. As an alternative, you
can try serial/parallel forking to all servers.
> with regards
> vicky
> vicky
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