[Devel] Mem-leak in tm-module?

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Mon Jun 26 15:15:30 CEST 2006


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> it's not necessary a mem leak..please see the 
> http://openser.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=memory
> go through and let me know the result. It might be just a memory 
> starvation due high load.

What makes me suspicious is the fact that the number of calls I can 
establish is directly proportional to the amount of shared mem I assign 
to the proxy. With 64MB of shm it can handle 10.000 calls, with 512MB 
about 80.000 calls until memory errors start to occur. The number of 
established calls is constantly ~2000 during the whole test, so I'm not 
sure if it's a load problem.

However, I'll wait half an hour and check the memlog again...


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