[Devel] lookup problem
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed Jun 7 12:58:08 CEST 2006
FYI: moved on users at openser.org only.
Jean-Michel Foucher wrote:
>here is the situation :
>one openSER statefull and one openSER registrar on different ports; both
>db_mode are DB_ONLY.
>when a UAC A rings UAC B, everything's fine until openSER statefull
>receives ACK message :
>as a matter of fact, the domain name was changed before receiving ACK
>message, therefore, openSER needs to do
>/Unfortunately, openSER could not find the UAC A in database.
>i had a look to the mysql query made while ACK is treated and actually
>the username part of address_of_record disappeared :
>/select ... from location where username='';
>/It seems that when /print_where/ (modules/mysql/dbase.c) writes "where"
>part in mysql query, this function calls /val2str/ (modules/mysql/val.c)
>which will translate the value to a string. Until this call,
>everything's just fine, but when /val2str /calls
>_/mysql_real_escape_string/_, this last function returns an empty string.
>Any clue? Has anyone already face this problem?
>Thanks for your help,
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