[Devel] CVS commitlog: sip-server statistics.c statistics.h sip-server/mem f_malloc.c f_malloc.h q_malloc.c q_malloc.h shm_mem.c shm_mem.h

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed Feb 15 10:58:27 CET 2006

Hi Juha,

get_statistics returns a error code only in case of error. Like:

 >openserctl fifo get_statistics xx:
404 module not found

 >openserctl fifo get_statistics yy
404 statistic not found

I can easily add a starting line with "200 OK" for the success case, but 
take care as this convention is not widely spread. See:

 >openserctl fifo ul_dump          
===Domain list===
name : 'location'
size : 512
table: 0xb5d8a058
d_ll {
    n    : 0
    first: (nil)
    last : (nil)
===/Domain list===


Juha Heinanen wrote:

> >   > openserctl fifo get_statistics shmem:
> >   Module name = shmem; statistics=6
> >   shmem:total_size = 33554432
> >   shmem:used_size = 1584656
> >   shmem:real_used_size = 1602032
> >   shmem:max_used_size = 1609616
> >   shmem:free_size = 31952400
> >   shmem:fragments = 14
>all other fifo commands return on the first reply line a status code,
>200 OK
>or some error code.  get_statistics doesn't semms to do so, but returns
>as first line e.g.
>Module name = shmem; statistics=6
>could you align this fifo command with the rest so that external
>programs that use statistics can easily find out if the command
>succeeded or not.
>-- juha

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