[Devel] siptrace and dialog-awareness

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Fri Dec 15 11:38:17 CET 2006


Regarding the siptrace module, I'd like to propose to extend it to be 
dialog-aware for being really useful. This is because the typical 
scenario (in my opinion) is to provision a user-preference to trace 
messages from/to a specific user (because of some problem or whatever). 
So if an INVITE hits the proxy, siptrace gets activated and logs the 
transaction, which typically is INVITE, 1xx and finally 2xx. Since 
in-dialog requests (ACK, re-INVITE, BYE) are loose-routed, there is 
normally no usr_preferences lookup, and thus you are not able to 
determine whether siptrace should be activated.

I guess it will not be that hard hooking into the dialog api and trace 
in-dialog requests/replies too.

Any opinions on this?


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