[Devel] [ openser-Patches-1606005 ] change process name
to differntiate the threads
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
bogdan at voice-system.ro
Fri Dec 1 14:59:30 CET 2006
The number of TCP workers can be separately configured. See:
if not configured, it will automatically take the same value as "children".
this is the overall number of TCP workers (receivers) - there is a
different approach for TCP (as for UDP) because in TCP you have a single
listener (the TCP MAIN) which listen on all TCP/TLS interfaces - it has
the job to listen and to dispatch the accepted connections to the TCP
Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>> Klaus,
>> have you consider using the "ps" internal command to see label/name
>> of each process? :
>> ./openserctl fifo ps
> Wow - I haven't known of this command. One more question:
> Listening on
> udp: []:6060
> udp: []:6070
> tcp: []:6060
> tcp: []:6070
> tls: []:5063
> Aliases:
> *: outbound.itsp2.ienum.labs.nic.at:*
> *: itsp2.ienum.labs.nic.at:*
> .
> server2:~# openserctl fifo ps
> /usr/sbin/openserctl: line 9:
> =/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/sbin//:
> No such file or directory
> WARNING: no database engine found - tried ''
> 0 3474 attendant
> 1 3477 fifo server
> 2 3480 receiver child=0 sock=
> 3 3482 receiver child=1 sock=
> 4 3484 receiver child=2 sock=
> 5 3485 receiver child=3 sock=
> 6 3496 receiver child=0 sock=
> 7 3500 receiver child=1 sock=
> 8 3502 receiver child=2 sock=
> 9 3503 receiver child=3 sock=
> 10 3512 timer
> 11 3515 tcp receiver
> 12 3517 tcp receiver
> 13 3518 tcp receiver
> 14 3527 tcp receiver
> 15 3531 tcp main process
> server2:~#
> Is it correct that there are CHILDREN threads for each UDP socket, but
> only CHILDREN threads for all the TCP/TLS sockets? Why this?
> regards
> klaus
>> I think it is more simpler this way :)
>> regards,
>> bogdan
>> Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>> Hi Dan!
>>> The problem is, that the string can't be longer than the original
>>> string (at least in the program sample I found). Maybe it is
>>> possible to redirect the argv pointer but I'm not a programmer :-(
>>> In my case I use ps -Alf to identify different openser processes on
>>> their further command line parameters (e.g. -f openser3.cfg ). My
>>> patch only changes argv[0] which is the application itself, not the
>>> other parameters.
>>> regards
>>> klaus
>>> Dan Pascu wrote:
>>>> On Thursday 30 November 2006 14:27, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>>> Hey Klaus,
>>>> The improvement looks nice and useful, but I think you should
>>>> retain somehow the openser name in the process list instead of only
>>>> printing something like fifo or udp 0
>>>> Else it can get confusing (what if some other process decides to
>>>> name itself fifo?)
>>>> Maybe just append the extra description after the original string,
>>>> so it'll look something like:
>>>> 5 S root 14133 1 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>> 1 S root 14134 14133 /usr/sbin/openser fifo
>>>> 1 S root 14135 14133 /usr/sbin/openser udp 0
>>>> ...
>>>> or if you want:
>>>> 5 S root 14133 1 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>> 1 S root 14134 14133 openser fifo
>>>> 1 S root 14135 14133 openser udp 0
>>>> ...
>>>> (however this second version as well as the original will be
>>>> confusing if you run 2 instances of openser on the same machine
>>>> from 2 different directories - /usr and /usr/local for example)
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> IMO this patch is useful as it helps debugging (which thread did
>>>>> what,
>>>>> when certain threads crashes, ...).
>>>>> As I have no glue about forking in theory and memory handling between
>>>>> the threads please review this patch ;-)
>>>>> btw: I also missed some forks - maybe someone who knows how the
>>>>> forking
>>>>> is done in more detail can take care of this.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> klaus
>>>>> SourceForge.net wrote:
>>>>>> Patches item #1606005, was opened at 2006-11-30 13:17
>>>>>> Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item
>>>>>> Submitter You can respond by visiting:
>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=743022&aid=1606005&
>>>>>> group_id=139143
>>>>>> Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the
>>>>>> comment
>>>>>> thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request,
>>>>>> not just the latest update.
>>>>>> Category: None
>>>>>> Group: None
>>>>>> Status: Open
>>>>>> Resolution: None
>>>>>> Priority: 5
>>>>>> Private: No
>>>>>> Submitted By: Klaus Darilion (klaus_darilion)
>>>>>> Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
>>>>>> Summary: change process name to differntiate the threads
>>>>>> Initial Comment:
>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>> Since long I am unhappy that it is not possible to identify
>>>>>> openser's
>>>>>> thread (which thread is doing what?).
>>>>>> I made a little patch which rewrites the argv[0] to reflect the
>>>>>> usage
>>>>>> of the process.
>>>>>> without patch:
>>>>>> 5 S root 14133 1 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14134 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14135 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14136 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14137 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14138 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14139 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14140 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14141 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14142 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14143 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14144 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> with patch:
>>>>>> 5 S root 14133 1 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14134 14133 fifo
>>>>>> 1 S root 14135 14133 udp 0
>>>>>> 1 S root 14136 14133 udp 1
>>>>>> 1 S root 14137 14133 udp 2
>>>>>> 1 S root 14138 14133 udp 3
>>>>>> 1 S root 14139 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> 1 S root 14140 14133 tcp 0
>>>>>> 1 S root 14141 14133 tcp 1
>>>>>> 1 S root 14142 14133 tcp 2
>>>>>> 1 S root 14143 14133 tcp 3
>>>>>> 1 S root 14144 14133 /usr/sbin/openser
>>>>>> apperently I missed some forks :-)
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> You can respond by visiting:
>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=743022&aid=1606005&
>>>>>> group_id=139143
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