[Devel] syslog logging

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Sep 1 20:28:02 CEST 2005

On 09/01/05 21:23, Juha Heinanen wrote:

>Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
> > After analyzing a bit, I think there is no need to have 
> > rc_openlog("...") on this modules. Can some of the people familiar with 
> > radius confirm? There are other radius modules that do not use this 
> > function.
>i have never heard about rc_openlog in connection of radius.
>uri_radius, auth_radius, and acc modules don't use that.
[daniel@ sip-server]$ grep -nri "rc_openlog" *
modules/acc/acc_mod.c:408:      rc_openlog(NAME);
modules/avp_radius/avp_radius.c:125:    rc_openlog(NAME);

The parameter NAME was changed by me, it was "ser" previously (issue 
reported by Klaus).


>-- juha

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