[Devel] ERROR: parse_uri: bad port in uri (error at char s in
state 8)
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
bogdan at voice-system.ro
Fri Oct 21 21:00:45 CEST 2005
Hi Norm,
I'm a little bit confused. The error you mention is related to parsing
the contact URI. And then you talk about avp_pushto().
where the error occurs exactly? when you do avp_pushto() ? - the
generated request is malformed?
or it's about a malformed request you are getting (broken contact URI).
maybe sip trace of these scenario will help to understand.
Norman Brandinger wrote:
> The complete OpenSER error message is:
> ERROR: parse_uri: bad port in uri (error at char s in state 8) parsed:
> <sip:8113 at my.ip.address:5060>(27)
> /<sip:8113 at my.ip.address:5060sip:8113 at my.ip.address:5060> (54)
> The SIP Contact header received at the PSTN GW is:
> Contact: <sip:8113 at my.ip.address:5060sip:8113 at my.ip.address:5060>.
> The events leading up to this error are as follows:
> Client 8113 calls another number that has "call forwarding on no
> answer" established. This is implemented using a combination of Flags
> and AVP's.
> When a (408) Request Timeout happens, the failure_route is entered as
> expected.
> Note to Sipura SPA2000 users, we see (400) Bad Request instead of a
> (408) in the failure_route when the INVITE Timer pops. The SPA might
> have a setting to change this behavior but that is beyond the scope of
> this thread.
> The call forward on no answer AVP is pushed into the R-URI using:
> avp_pushto("$ruri", "s:fwd_noanswer");
> An append_branch() is executed and logic to determine authority of the
> new R-URI is done before a t_relay() is executed. The "authority
> logic" will be used to rewritehostport() to the correct PSTN GW.
> .....
> If the fwd_noanswer AVP is in the format of:
> sip:pstn-number at domain.com no error is produced.
> If the fwd_noanswer AVP is changed to the format of
> sip:pstn-number at host.domain.com the error can consistently be generated.
> Note1 during our testing, host.domain.com is the FQDN of the OpenSER
> server.
> Note2 the "authority logic" issues the rewritehostport() command based
> only on pstn-number, not the domain.com or host.domain.com.
> Note3 the fwd_noanswer AVP does not contain the port number.
> ....
> Regards,
> Norm
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