
I'm having problems with Serweb server monitoring script. As Instructed Serweb install file I have cron job, that executes "read_ser_moni.php" once in a minute.

Every time the script is executed I get this error on serweb log: "serweb [error] server monitoring - 500 command 't_stats' not available" It also happens, when I'm executing the script from command line or executing manually fifo command with openserctl ("openserctl fifo t_stat").

It seems, that openser receives the command, but doesen't know what to do with it, because I get this error on syslog from openser:

ERROR: fifo_server: command t_stats is not available
**** done consume
INFO: fifo_server: command empty

Has the t_stat fifo command depricated or am I just missing some parameter from my cfg.
