I wanted to give an update on this.
My business partner that found the issue and has been monitoring the problem has tracked down the issue. It turns out that the features we implemented using the async module were leading to more calls going on con currently (as they were intended to) and this was causing and issue with voip monitor. So the issue was not with the Async module.
All the best.
Will Ferrer
On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:43 PM, Will Ferrer <will.ferrer@switchsoft.com> wrote:
Hi All
We are trying to use the async module to to delay sending a bye on from one end of the call to the other.
We are using async_route(routename, seconds) to delay the WITHINDLG route. The idea is that in the future we want to be able to have our billing min duration enforced (though currently we are having issues with the dialog module that we are discussing in another thread).
After running this on our deploy servers, the delays before sending on the byes get longer and longer, and then kamailio goes down. Then the receive udp buffer fills up.
We tried it with both 4 and 400 async workers, and it made no difference.
I am including a screen capture of the servers stats when this happens taken from voip monitor.
Here are the relevant parts of the config:
...loadmodule "async.so"
...modparam("async", "workers", ASYNC_THREADS)
...request_route {
...route[DELAYED_BYE_STATIC] {xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC");#!ifdef WITH_DELAYED_BYE_STATICif (is_method("BYE")) {xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, from self \n");#if (from_uri == myself) {if ((allow_trusted() || allow_source_address()) && from_uri == myself) {xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, Bye detected, from self \n");send_reply("200", "OK");xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, sent 200 about to sleep \n");setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting ...setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED); # ... even if the transaction failsif (has_totag()) {xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, sleeping to WITHINDLG_DELAYED \n");async_route("WITHINDLG_DELAYED", MIN_DURATION);} else {xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, sleeping to WITHINDLG \n");async_route("WITHINDLG", MIN_DURATION);}xlog("L_DEBUG","route DELAYED_BYE_STATIC, slept\n");exit;}}#!endifreturn;}...route[WITHINDLG_DELAYED] {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG_DELAYED: triggered \n");$avp(was_delayed) = 1;route(WITHINDLG);}...route[WITHINDLG] {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG triggered, request method: $rm \n");#!ifdef WITH_DISPATCHERif(is_method("BYE|CANCEL")) {xlog("L_DEBUG","route WITHINDLG: cancel or bye detected, request method: $rm \n");#!ifdef WITH_DISPATCHER_LOAD_AWARExlog("L_DEBUG","route WITHINDLG: running ds_load_update, request method: $rm \n");ds_load_update();#dlg_get ("$ci","$ft","$tt");#dlg_bye ("all");#!endif}#!endif
if (has_totag() || $avp(was_delayed) == 1) {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG has totag or was_delayed: $avp(was_delayed) \n");# sequential request withing a dialog should# take the path determined by record-routingif (loose_route()) {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG has loose route \n");route(DLGURI);if (is_method("BYE")) {xlog("L_DEBUG","route WITHINDLG: BYE detected");setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting ...setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED); # ... even if the transaction failsxlog("L_DEBUG","route WITHINDLG: ACC flag set");}else if ( is_method("ACK") ) {# ACK is forwarded statelessyroute(NATMANAGE);}else if ( is_method("NOTIFY") ) {# Add Record-Route for in-dialog NOTIFY as per RFC 6665.record_route();}xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG RELAY 1\n");route(RELAY);} else {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG else \n");if (is_method("SUBSCRIBE") && uri == myself) {# in-dialog subscribe requestsroute(PRESENCE);exit;}if ( is_method("ACK") ) {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG is ack \n");if ( t_check_trans() ) {xlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG t_check_trans \n");# no loose-route, but stateful ACK;# must be an ACK after a 487# or e.g. 404 from upstream serverxlog("L_DEBUG", "route WITHINDLG: will -- DLG RELAY 2\n");route(RELAY);exit;} else {# ACK without matching transaction ... ignore and discardexit;}}sl_send_reply("404","Not here");}exit;}}...
Does any one know if this is a bug or a leak with in the async module, or perhaps something I am doing in my config?
Thanks in advance for an assistance you can offer me.
All the best.
Will FerrerSwitchsoft
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