Hi Greger and all,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I will try my best to perform what is expected of me as a Bug Marshal. If any of you have suggestions as to how this should be carried out and to make this process more effective for the development of SER, I would like to hearing from you.



"Greger V. Teigre" <greger@teigre.com> skrev:
Hi all!

I'm pleased to announce that Lakmal Silva has volunteered to be our SER
bug marshal!

Lakmal's main task will be to interface with the community and
developers and make sure that bug fixes and feature requests don't
disappear on the serusers and serdev mailing lists, as well as get them
properly described/documented. (Please continue to use the tracker or
mailing lists as you are used to.)

The bug marshal's responsibilities are in more details:

1. Scan the mailings lists for bug reports, patches, feature requests,
and improvement suggestions and:
a) make sure they are registered on either
http://iptel.org/ser/wishlist or as a tracker item (unless a developer
picks it up) with unscheduled status
b) request more information/debug traces/patches/etc in order to
make the item possible to act upon for a developer
c) solicit input from the developer(s) if clarification is needed

2. Pick up discussions on the mailing lists that concern new features,
put new features on the wish list and if appropriate create a new
specification/discussion page that will specify the feature in more
detail and can be used for discussion purposes (examples:

Please don't contact Lakmal in private emails, but use the mailing lists
if you have questions/issues.

On behalf of the SER community, I welcome Lakmal and wish him luck in
his new role as SER bug marshal!
Serdev mailing list

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