
if you had siremis installed, it created some stored procedures during installation wizard -- you will have to create them on the new database system as well. There is a sql file inside siremis/modules/ser/.


On 18/06/14 17:09, Joel White wrote:
I made a significant change to the way the system I am building is designed.  I removed the Database to a redundant cluster and not on the same server as the kamailio install.

I changed all references to the DBURL to reflect the IP of the new cluster.

I also changed the SQLOPS statement for CDRs to reflect the new IP

modparam("sqlops", "sqlcon", "cb=>mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@")

All ACC transactions are being recorded to the new DB and the configuration is running well with the exception of CDRs.

What am I missing that would prevent writing of CDRs to the DB?

I did check connectivity from the Kamailio server to the DB server as well as access to the cdrs table


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