can you please explain my first ques:

1. Is there any benefit of increasing the value of PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE and SHM_MEM_SIZE ?

/*used only if PKG_MALLOC is defined*/
#define PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE 1024*1024

/*used if SH_MEM is defined*/
#define SHM_MEM_SIZE 32


On 6/20/07, Morgan Gilroy <> wrote:

If you use `free –m` it shows the amount of memory in mega bytes, should be easier to read.



            Total: total memory in your system

            Used: Memory used by all processes and disk cache etc..

            Free: memory that is not being used at all

(ignore the others as they are no longer used)


-/+ buffers = same as above except not counting disk cache and other temporary memory usage. This is what is really being used.


Swap: this is the swap space on the disk.


When an application requests memory it first gets memory from the free memory, if there is not enough then it takes memory from the disk cache and other buffers. The cache is there just to speed up access but it can use a lot of ram.


Look at `man free` or google if you want a further explanation.


From: Arun Kumar [mailto:]
Sent: 20 June 2007 16:09
To: Morgan Gilroy
Subject: Re: [Users] regarding memory usage


# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2074376 1740724 333652 0 72328 1280192
-/+ buffers/cache: 388204 1686172
Swap: 2031608 0 2031608

can you please explain in brief all the info.


On 6/20/07, Morgan Gilroy < > wrote:

The numbers shown for memory usage also include shared memory, ie memory used by multiple processes/threads, these shared areas will be counted multiple times.


Use `free` to find the real amount of used memory on your server (look at the +/- buffers section)


From: [] On Behalf Of Arun Kumar
Sent: 20 June 2007 14:44
Subject: [Users] regarding memory usage



1. Is there any benefit of increasing the value of  PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE  and SHM_MEM_SIZE ?

/*used only if PKG_MALLOC is defined*/
#define PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE 1024*1024

/*used if SH_MEM is defined*/
#define SHM_MEM_SIZE 32

2. I've compiled my ser with

#define PKG_MEM_POOL_SIZE 1024*1024*512

ans started using ser -m 100 option with children=4 and listening on two ips

when I started memory usages was seems to fine for few days(3-4) less then 1GB but after that nealy  1.7 - 1.8 GB of memory usage and when I do top:

16165 root 15 0 617m 54m 36m S 0.3 2.7 0:16.34 ser
16167 root 15 0 617m 54m 36m S 0.3 2.7 0:15.89 ser
16164 root 15 0 617m 54m 36m S 0.3 2.7 0:16.29 ser
16166 root 15 0 617m 54m 36m S 0.7 2.7 0:16.16 ser
16172 root 16 0 617m 53m 35m S 0.0 2.7 0:05.04 ser
16168 root 16 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:00.09 ser
16170 root 16 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:00.07 ser
16169 root 16 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:00.08 ser
16171 root 16 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:00.10 ser
16163 root 16 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:00.01 ser
16145 root 25 0 617m 52m 34m S 0.0 2.6 0:07.80 ser

it shows 11 instance of ser with above info. If I sum up
617 * 11 = 6787 MB of memory but in my machine I've only 2 GB Physical RAM and it never uses Swap ?
if 54 * 11 =  594 ? but free -m and top shows more memory usage ?

can please explain me in brief . I'll be really thankfull. B'coz of this I'm facing may problem.



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