With the default configuration of SER
0.8.12, and two registered UA's using TCP as transport protocol,
when I try to make a call between them, the call arrives in UDP packets ! This
is the scenario:
UA1 <---------> SIP SERVER
<-----------> UA2
The UA's are registered to the SIP server using the
"transport=tcp" flag in the Contact field, for example:
But when UA1 calls UA2 ( using the TCP connection
), the INVITE is resent over UDP to the port specified in the Contact field,
instead of using the established TCPconnection.
I have tried t_relay(), forward(uri:host,uri:port)
and forward_tcp(uri:host,uri:port) and all resend the INVITE over UDP. ( I
donīt understand why the third case fails ŋ? )
I have tried t_relay_to_tcp("","13245") and forward_tcp(,13245) and they work fine, but I must
specify the IP:Port by hand, but I need automatically the IP:Port from the table
of registered ussers.
Thanks in advance for your help !