That won't work for us. The reason is that we have LVS fully "sip-aware" and thus we have many SER routers that are all active at the same time. This means we don't have the concept of a "primary" sip router - as the LVS SIP scheduler determines where to route a SIP message.


On 5/29/05, Juha Heinanen <> wrote:
Java Rockx writes:

> * when ser starts up usrloc is "lazy-loaded"
> * if a usrloc record is looked up in cache and is __NOT__ found, then MySQL
> will be queried. If found in MySQL then the usrloc record will be put in to
> cache for future lookups

how about changing on the fly the listening address of the secondary ser
when primary ser fails?  that way there would be no loading delay.

-- juha