Just been installing Kamailio, version 3.1.x via Git, but when I use the default kamailio.cfg, Kamailio will not start and the debug gives the following errors.
0(25876) : <core> [cfg.y:3330]: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 285, column 29-35: syntax error
0(25876) : <core> [cfg.y:3330]: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 285, column 29-35: Invalid arguments
0(25876) : <core> [cfg.y:3333]: parse error in config file /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg, line 285, column 36:
ERROR: bad config file (4 errors)
When I check the line, column it is the following line of the acc params:
modparam("acc", "log_flag", FLT_ACC)
I assume the variable FLT_ACC is not set or read correctly. But as it is the default kamailio.cfg that seems strange to me.
The defined values are:
####### Defined Values #########
# *** Value defines - IDs used later in config
#!ifdef WITH_MYSQL
# - database URL - used to connect to database server by modules such
# as: auth_db, acc, usrloc, a.s.o.
#!define DBURL "mysql://openser:openserrw@localhost/openser"
# - the value for 'use_domain' parameters
#!define MULTIDOMAIN 1
#!define MULTIDOMAIN 0
# - flags
# FLT_ - per transaction (message) flags
# FLB_ - per branch flags
#!define FLT_ACC 1
#!define FLT_ACCMISSED 2
#!define FLT_ACCFAILED 3
#!define FLT_NATS 5
#!define FLB_NATB 6
Does anyone has an idea why te values are not loaded into the variables…?
With regards,
Gertjan Wolzak