geoip module? Yes, I have libgeoip installed on my os.Thanks,Arundo you have libgeoip installed ( on your OS ),
and have you got the geoip module being loaded in your kamailio config ?JayOn 21 March 2014 15:06, arun Jayaprakash <> wrote:Hello, I am trying to set up my Kamailio config file with geoip but I keep getting the following error:ERROR: <core> [modparam.c:163]: set_mod_param_regex(): set_mod_param_regex: No module matching <geoip> found
I have set my modparam as follows:
modparam("geoip", "path", "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat")I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and have loaded the geoip libraries and the database. Is there something I am missing?Thank you,Arun
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