Hi all , I want to recall on this.
Does anyone facing this problem? . I have to translate destination numbers based on rules (>5000).
Every destination prefix needs to be translated in a diferent way. ie.
0033067xxxxxxx ----> 6700xxxxxxx
00330543xxxxxx ----> 54300xxxxxx
basicaly i need to country Code (00330) and replace it by Area code (wich is variable 67, or 543 in this example.) plus destination number.  
For this i was thinking storing these patterns in a DB table. But i really need some help if someone can drop me a line on how to implement such thing.
Thanks in advance.
2006/7/30, Robert Zorop <rzorop@gmail.com>:
Hi, i was thinking about looking up destination prefixes in a bd table, and then if the prefix matches the request uri, translate it to what a second column indicates.

Lets say.

Prefixes Table:
| Prefix  | Translated prexif |
| 00657 |  0034657            |
| 00345 |  0453455            |

Can u drop me a line on how can someone implement this king of match/replacement for values in SER? .

Thanks a lot.

2006/7/26, Jiri Kuthan <jiri@iptel.org>:
There is a buch of commands you can use for uri maniputlation: strip, prefix, subst_uri.


At 15:52 25/07/2006, Robert Zorop wrote:
>Hi guys.
>       I'd like to hear about different methods of implementing cisco like transtation rules in SER. I was thinking about AVPs, but still couldn't find the ight way.
>       Is someone is doing it inside or outside ser, please shed a light on this!.   What i need is to stip some numbers, and then add some other (variables) before proxying the calls.
>Thanks in advance.
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Jiri Kuthan             http://iptel.org/~jiri/