Hi Andi,
I've seen this a few times. Did you try to just hit the
reload button?
Bye Lorenz
Sorry, not all of the text I originally sent has
appeared on the list archives, so here is the full email another time!
can anyone provide any
advice on getting CDRTool to work?
I have installed CDRTool 6.0 on
a Debian Linux system 2.6 Kernel with Apache/2.2.6 (Unix) PHP/5.2.5
I am attempting to get it to work with OpenSER only
(I have commented out the Asterisk and sip_trace sections
in global.inc) and
I am recieving the error:
Error initializing CDRTool
From in my web browser.
It seems that in
callsearch.phtml "$cdr_source" is not being set, but I dont understand why not
and I am not
sure how to get more debugging info out of the whole thing (Im
not used to PHP), I dont see any errors
in the syslog :(
regards global.inc, I believe all database usernames and passwords are setup and
have successfully tested
connecting to all databases with this data - and I
believe all db_class sections have the corresponding sections
as required
(the username, password, tablename etc).
thanks for any
help! Andy.