I have also noticed this problem when calling from X-lite to a Cisco gateway. I have already reported this bug to Xten support and I'm waiting for their reply.

- zaki - <zaki@edge.jp> wrote:


It's cause of bug of endpoint devices.
According to RFC3261, CANCEL MUST NOT include tag in To header field
if original INVITE(the request to be cancelled) does not have tag in To.
Then, CISCO media gateway reject to handle the CANCEL packets which
has tag parameter in To header field.


> Hi,
> I'm using ser-0.8.12 for SIP proxy and CISCO2651XM(12.2(11)T8) as
> media gateway for PSTN.
> When any subscriber call to PSTN via CISCO media gateway, CISCO
> returns "SIP/2.0 183 Session Progress", and if caller hang up
> before called party in PSTN pick up a call, CISCO send a packet of
> "SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" and call between
> CISCO and PSTN called party is not hung up.
> (Called party phone continue ringing)
> (I consider that transaction before caller party pick up is not added
> CISCO's transaction table.)
> Could anyone please let me know how to terminate a call between
> CISCO media gateway and called party in PSTN?
> Regards,
> --
> - zaki - YAMAZAKI Noriyuki, Director of EDGE Co., Ltd.
> +81-3-5749-9621(Phone), +81-3-5749-9910(Fax), zaki@edge.jp

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