Hello List.
        I have a problem with an ACK message for a CANCEL.  I'm just wondering if anyone knows what could be happening here.  It seems that SER can't route or  "understand" this ACK

ACK sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net SIP/2.0.
v: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2861608023.
f: "5502203289" <sip:5502203289@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=1349608987.
t: <sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=f146818fa4.
i: 5c83a04822964085e07aabd210e9d72f@
CSeq: 4 ACK.
l: 0.

Could be something with the COMPACT form ???

This is the log from the debug :

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: t_lookup_request: start searching: hash=52251, isACK=1
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matching failed
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: t_lookup_request: no transaction found
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: SER: forwarding ACK  statelessly 
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG: mk_proxy: doing DNS lookup...
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: get_record: lookup(_sip._udp.sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net, 33) failed
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: sip_resolvehost: no SRV record found for sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net, trying 'normal' lookup...

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: check_via_address(,, 0)
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: Sending: ACK sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net SIP/2.0^M Max-Forwards: 10^M Record-Route: <sip:;ftag=2639303304;lr=on>^M Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=0^M v: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK365542204^M f: "5502203289" <sip:5502203289@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=2639303304^M t: <sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=2746a580a4^M i: 81983e61d980fd3ef0046dafe9518284@^M CSeq: 10 ACK^M l: 0^M ^M .

Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: orig. len=338, new_len=477, proto=1
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Mar 23 12:18:10 sipvoiss ser[5430]: receive_msg: cleaning up

What does it means : "RFC3261 transaction matching failed" and why ???

The weird situation happend when almost the same message arrives without the Compact Form :

ACK sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK2364391837.
From: "5502203289" <sip:5502203289@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=827237367.
To: <sip:0299005622408196@sipvoiss.desa.redvoiss.net>;tag=6b466391a4.
Call-ID: 43b2cc325b7fbe9f8790e4cee01dc4b3@
CSeq: 2 ACK.
Content-Length: 0.

This message works ok!.
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: RFC3261 transaction matched, tid=424819551
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: t_lookup_request: transaction found (T=0x404ce3e8)
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: cleanup_uac_timers: RETR/FR timers reset
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG: add_to_tail_of_timer[2]: 0x404ce430
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: DEBUG:destroy_avp_list: destroying list (nil)
Mar 23 16:30:06 sipvoiss ser[5974]: receive_msg: cleaning up

Can someone give me a hand here?
Thanks in advance

Ricardo Martinez-