Hi all,


I configured the presence module in OpenSER v1.2 and it looks like ok. But when tested with EyeBeam 1.5 (buil 30037) it doesn’t work. I used the WireShark to see the SIP messages and observed that in NOTIFY messages there aren’t PIDF document, neither message body. Furthermore, OpenSER didn’t parse xml BODY from PRESENTITY table when try to build notify. The PIDF document that EyeBeam creates and the error that OpenSER gave me when try to parser this document are below. Can someone help me with this problem? Is it a bug from OpenSER?







PIDF Document


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

<pr:presence xmlns:pr="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf" entity="sip:hildebrando@voip.maritaca" xmlns:caps="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:caps" xmlns:cipid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:cipid" xmlns:counterpath="www.counterpath.com/presence/ext" xmlns:dm="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:data-model" xmlns:rpid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid">

<pr:tuple id="se43ac217">





<rpid:user-input last-input="2007-03-19T19:21:49Z">active</rpid:user-input>



<dm:person id="p0d4e4429">










OpenSER Error


2(6498) Chegou um PUBLISH de (hildebrando) para (sip:hildebrando@voip.maritaca)
 2(6498) PRESENCE:update_presentity: querying presentity
 2(6498) PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = active_watchers
 2(6498) PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
 2(6498) PRESENCE:agregate_xmls: ERROR while parsing xml body message
 2(6498) PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
       [p_user]= hildebrando  [p_domain]= voip.maritaca
       [w_user]= gustavo [w_domain]= voip.maritaca
 2(6498) [event]= presence
       [staus]= active
       [expires]= 3340
 2(6498) [to_tag]= 10.6503.1174328485.15
       [from_tag]= 80746145