I do not know if SER CVS on berlios is working fine because it is no longer used.

If you want to take the latest version, you have to use the GIT repository at sip-router.org

Starting with 4.0, practically SER was merged in Kamailio, therefore you can simply follow the following tutorials to get sources from GIT:

- for latest stable release - http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/4.0.x/git
- for development version - http://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/devel/git

Getting the application named ser is just a matter of make command parameters (presented in above tutorials), but going just with kamailio may be easier as there is more documentation out there.


On 4/1/13 7:35 PM, Konstantin M. wrote:
# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser login
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:2401/cvsroot/ser
CVS password:
# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/ser co sip_router
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot stat /cvsroot/ser/locks: No such file or directory

It seems that cvs is broken, at least I was able to checkout another module.

# cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.berlios.de:/cvsroot/scrapbook co scrapbook
cvs checkout: Updating scrapbook
cvs checkout: Updating scrapbook/.settings
cvs checkout: Updating scrapbook/META-INF
cvs checkout: Updating scrapbook/WEB-INF

Consider using svn/git.

2013/4/1 Yuming Zheng <zhengyumingnanjing@gmail.com>

cvs login
when try checkout the sip_route
cvs co sip_router
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot stat /cvsroot/ser/locks: No such file or directory

Although cvs view is working.
I want go check some logs in the repository.



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