
are you looking to add a record for alias_db table? If yes, then the command is:

kamctl aliasdb ...

The kamctl alias is something related to usrloc module.


On 29.03.19 11:35, Igor Potjevlesch wrote:
Hi Kamailios,

Any upadte about this subject ? 

Bests Regards, 


Le lun. 4 mars 2019 à 17:05, Igor Potjevlesch <igor.potjevlesch@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi kamailios, 

I meet a problem with the " kamctl alias add" command in the 5.2 version, I saw that the module used to add an alias had changed, and now the command result with an error :

[kamailio]# kamctl alias add XXXX@XXXX sip:XXXXX@XXXX 
  "jsonrpc":  "2.0",
  "error":  {
    "code": 500,
    "message":  "Not enough parameters or wrong format"
  "id": XXXXX

I read the function who return this message " static void ul_rpc_add(rpc_t* rpc, void* ctx)" in the ul_rpc.c in the usr_loc module. 
I tried to pass the command with two more parameters :

  "jsonrpc":  "2.0",
  "result": {
  "id": 29200

And this time it works correctly, but I saw thaht the test prameters was in the field "path" , do you know why we have to indicate a path ? 
Are we obliged to indicate this two more parameters ? 
What is the utility of this field ? 
Thank you in advance,


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