I've already got the fifo listener PID. Kamailio had to be
restarted and now it's working fine. When it gets unresponsive
again I'll check it with gdb. I'll keep you informed.
On the other hand, we use fifo pipe quite often to update
hastables (sht_reload) and to get hashtable dumps (sht_dump).
These HTs are used to implement a CAC mechanism. We also regularly
use the cr_reload_routes command.
fifo is not suitable for heavy traffic - depending on the operating
system, messages in fifo are limited in size. You should consider
using RPC interface over XMLRPC or via sercmd. If you want to stick
to MI control interface, a better option is using datagram
(mi_datagram) via unix socket or inet socket over
do you get anything in kamailio log messages
when the fifo is not responding?
No, I didn't find anything regarding the fifo
command in the logs.
What version of kamailio do you have?
kamailio-3.0.2, the last time we updated the
code was on August 1st, since then it is in
Removing and creating a new one will not help,
since kamailio will not reopen, so practically
will still use the old file descriptor.
It makes all the sense.
Thank you very much,
On 1/18/11 10:54 AM, Anton Roman wrote:
Hi all,
I'm having trouble trying to execute fifo
commands with "kamctl fifo
<command>". Just after restarting
Kamailio it works fine, however, sometimes
after some days running it doesn't
kamailio1:~# kamctl fifo which
It doesn't respond so I input Crtl+c
and I get:
line 89: /tmp/kamailio_fifo: Interrupted
system call
If I delete and create the fifo file again
(with "rm /tmp/kamailio_fifo" and "mkfifo
/tmp/kamailio_fifo" and "chmod 660
/tmp/kamailio_fifo") it keeps not
Any help is welcome, what can be
happening? Below you can find info about
the pipe and the running kamailio.
Thanks in advance,
Best regards
kamailio1:~# ls -hall
prw-rw---- 1 root root 0 ene 17 12:01
After deleting and creating the fifo file
kamailio1:~# ls -hall
prw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 ene 18 10:28