
no plans in my side for such module(s), maybe other developers can say if they have plans to work on such one. If you consider writing it yourself, of course, the contribution is welcome.

Otherwise, besides HTTP+JSON, one can use some embedded scripting language (e.g., lua, python, ruby, ...) to interact with firebase.


On 06.06.18 12:02, Pan Christensen wrote:

Greetings all.



We are currently developing web and mobile apps using firebase: https://firebase.google.com/products/realtime-database/ . We have been discussing the possibility of Kamailio querying this database.


I assume that it will be possible to query it using HTTP and JSON modules, but it would probably be easier to use the DB API.


Any plans to develop such a module?



With kind regards
Pan B. Christensen

Phonect AS 
Brugata 19, PB 9156 Grønland, N-0133 Oslo, Norway
Mobile: 41 88 88 00


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