Hi List,
For certain Asterisk customers I want them to be allowed to manage and send their own CLI - we currently pass this onto providers as RPID. For example we also run a multi tenant pbx that uses kamailio as its proxy so it makes sense that we can send the callerID from this box to kamailio.
Basically I will setup a prefix, check for that and if it matches I want to rewrite the RPID using the From"" from the SIP message..
From: "16172345671" <sip:username@domain>;tag=xxxxxxxxxxxx
In this case I would send the RPID as
<sip:16172345671@domain;party=calling;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=yes>" to our providers rather than reading the default value from the database for rpid.
Where in the Kamailio / SR docs should I be looking for examples that would be similar / manipulating this type of info.