
have you enabled persistent usrloc? Also, be sure that both clients are registered, you can dump location records with:

kamctl ul show

For further assistance, take the sip trace with ngrep:

ngrep -d any -qt -W byline port 5060

and paste the output here if you need more help.


On 7/28/13 10:38 AM, Jason Sia wrote:

I installed kamailio v 3.1.6 rpm.  I used the default configuration.  Kamailio started.  I have two clients one is an android phone using native sip client, and the other one x-lite.  I can call x-lite to phone but not the other way around.  When I restarted kamailio, I can call phone to x-lite but not the other way around.   The first one I did when I restart kamailio will be the only leg that will be working, then I have to restart again if I want to do the reverse. Has anyone encountered this problem?  How do I fix it?


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