Yes, thanks!!!!

Phone2tel seems to do what i need

A quarta, 8/01/2020, 15:52, Duarte Rocha <> escreveu:

I'm testing some portability scenarios with carriers and i've ran into some issues.

Take this example URI from ETSI TR 184 003 (
 - Sip:+49234598765;npdi;;user=phone

In this case i need to parse user, user's parameters, domain and uri parameters.

In order to that i'm using uri's transformations like {uri.user}, {uri.domain}, etc.

However, when "user=phone" is present, Kamailio's parser works differently.

Without "user=phone" -> {uri.user} is equal to "+49234598765;npdi;rn=+49-D123"
With "user=phone" -> {uri.user} is equal to "+49234598765" . 

I really need to access "rn" and "npdi" parameters in those cases. How can i do it when "user=phone" is present?
Is there a way to disable the "user=phone" exception for parsing?

Best Regards,

Duarte Rocha